See What's Been Happening With City Parks Foundation!
Following two successful summers, CAE continued its partnership with City Parks Foundation during Summer 2019, offering a series of genre-explorative teaching artist residencies connected to SummerStage dance and music performances. Workshops engaged young people ages 8-13 in all five boroughs. This summer’s residencies focused on artists and ensembles such as Ronald K. Brown’s Evidence Dance Company, A Palo Seco flamenco ensemble, Princess Lockeroo, Eddie Palmieri, and the Wabafu Garifuna Collective.
We kicked off the season in Brooklyn’s Herbert Von King Park.
In Manhattan, CAE Teaching Artist prepped students to the meet the performance artist.
At Queensbridge Park, students learned flamenco on stage.
CAE at Crotona Park in the Bronx.
In costume in Staten Island!