STate & City Standards
resources & Reports
New York State ESSA Plan
Details on New York’s Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) compliance
Review of Evidence: Arts Education through the lens of ESSA
2018 Report from the Wallace Foundation
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ESSA Resource from AEP
Education Commission of the States & Arts Education Partnership compiled comprehensive this list
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AEI: Raising Achievement Across Disciplines
By Dr. Jerry James, Dr. Lawrence Scripp & Josh Gilbert (2019)
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“Arts education is essential for building innovative thinkers who will be our nation’s leaders of tomorrow.”
—Michelle Obama

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“This mission will lead students to discover the lifelong enjoyment and wonder inherent in the visual arts, music, dance and theater, and will connect them to arts institutions and organizations that exhibit and perform the arts, offer advanced study in the arts, and generate the myriad jobs available in New York City’s arts-related industries that are both financially and personally rewarding.”
NYC Office of Arts & Special Projects

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